
Saturday, July 09, 2005


Today I have been woken up by an sms from a friend of mine, “Cefai ara it-Times, IM Beck”. Since I rarely buy newspapers on a Saturday, (I follow my news mostly on the net) I had to get out of bed, dress up, walk 100m buy the newspapers all the while thinking why did IM Beck mention me in his article. In fact he did not. He mentioned del Borgo, which I designed and that’s why I’m blogging and bragging about it. I have been bragging about it all day.

He made one of the most beautiful comments I have ever read regarding my work and coming from bocca, who usually is very critical about everything is quite satisfying. About del Borgo he wrote “where the old and modern have been married to a degree of perfection I hadn’t thought was possible”.

He made my day.


Antoine Cassar said...

Prosit Bertu!

Ghadni kemm tajthom titwila lir-ritratti tieghek... bellezza.

Ghal li jista' jkun, is-sit tieghek ghandu xi kodici li jittraduci awtomatikament il-kontenut tieghu? Jiena qed nara s-sit bl-Ispanjol, forsi ghax l-XP tieghi xtrajtu Madrid.

Fuq id-dizzjunarju ta' kliem tekniku niktiblek dalwaqt.

Jacques René Zammit said...

prosit xbin!

Unknown said...

grazzi nies.

twan, milli jidher iva. is-sit tieghi jaghmel parti minn xi 11000 sit iehor ta artisti madwar id-dinja li ghandhom is-sit taghhom ma Artmajeur. Joffru sensiela ta servizzi interessanti.

Roderick Mallia said...

Prosit Bert! Biċċa xogħol tajba!

Anonymous said...

This Artmajeur is quite interesting. I think we just found a competitor!

BTW. Well done for Del Borgo's mention. I think anyone would feel flattered by those words!

Arcibald said...

Well done for Del Borgo interior design... the comments seem adequate from what I'm seeing.