
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Catching Up

Another busy week and not enough time to blogg! There were a few things that I wanted to blogg about, so I’ll try to post short comments on.

Firstly there was the creation of the new (?) MLP B team. I think that alternative views and different opinions are healthy for a democracy, but why do the left always have to create new movements and organisations. Front Maltin Iqumu, CNI, and now the My Little Ponies team (copyrights to Hazevi). Another Mintoff’s creation? probably. Just another suicide squad? definitely. Will they achieve anything? I doubt it. Those of you who remember the (A)ssocjazzjoni (S)portiva (T)igne created by (A)lex (S)ciberras (T)rigona back in the 1980’s would probably guess who invented the name of the new movement.
Another piece of news that really caught my attention was the proposed embellishment of the road from Castille to MIA. Why was it reported that the works will be done from Castille and not from Valletta? Is the office of the prime minister more important than our capital city? I would have understood if someone proposed to embellish the roads from MIA to our main tourists’ destinations. But why give such importance to Castille? Is it such a rarity that we embellish roads, that when we do they are news worthy? Ninu Zammit looked so proud on NET TV explaining the works that need to be done. Could not decide if he was the works manager or a policy maker.
On a lighter note, this week I had a conversation with a person that came to the opening of the exhibition last month. The conversation went something like this

M: hawn Ru kif int? Kif mortu l-exhibition?
R: mhux hazin.
M: jien vera hadt gost dak inhar tal-party ghalkemm ix-xoghol li kien hemm mhux it-tip tieghi.
R: Ma nippretedix li kollox joghogob lil kulhadd, thabbilx rasek.
M: Nispera li ma tiehux ghalik imma jien naqsam il-pittura fi tnejn. Ghandek l-arti, dik li insibu fil-knejjes, taf liem? xoghol figurattiv, imbaghad ghandek id-dekorazzjoni. Taghkhom ghalija dekorazzjoni mhux arti.
R: mitt bniedem mitt fhema. Biss ma tahsibx li wara r-rinaxximent u il-barokk graw hafna affarijiet fid-dinja tal-pittura li tista tiddiskrivihom bhala arti? Ma tahsibx li wara l-invenzjoni tal-kamera, l-artist bhala ritrattista sar qisu annimal fil-periklu tal-estinzjoni? Ma tahsibx li l-arti illum saret mod kif l-artist jesprimi ruhu u ihalli hafna aktar spazju lil osservatur li jaghti interpretazzjoni tieghu? U b’hekk jinvolvieh aktar.
M: eh?
R: il-mara u t-tfal kif inhuma?..........

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